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Cybersecurity in Education

The safety of the growing generation on the Internet is not only the responsibility of parents, but also of teachers. We have created this section so that educators understand the current challenges in the field of cyber security, know how to protect themselves online and where to go in case of cyber threats, can improve digital skills in the field of cyber hygiene or know where to get materials for conducting security training in Internet.

General recommendations

Поради вчителям про безпеку дітей в Інтернеті
Поради вчителям про безпеку дітей в Інтернеті
Розмова з батьками про онлайн-безпеку
Розмова з батьками про онлайн-безпеку
Рамка найкращих практик
Рамка найкращих практик


Do you spend more than 5 minutes online per day? Then find out about the latest games, programs, and social networks. Also, learn how to protect your information and report unacceptable content or privacy policy violations

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Reporting a Problem

If you encounter problems on the Internet or become a victim of cybercrime, you need to report it. In this section, we will show you who to contact in various online situations.


Many terms and phenomena of the digital world are new to citizens. Therefore, we have developed a dictionary where you can find explanations for many terms, from "deepfake" and "cyberbullying" to "VPN" and "phishing".

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